This site is constructed as a fully relational database. It concentrates on hundreds of different live shows and radio appearances the band performed during their twelve-year career, also exploring studio stuff. The main idea of this project is to present the comprehensive chronology of their music activity based on existing audio and video recordings, both those issued officially and, above all, those that are in the so-called underground circulation. As a result, this is the final stage of spending many years of searching and collecting every possible to find information related to the group's musical achievements. The whole content of this site is also constantly updated based on the latest sources, and expanded if necessary.
What is very important, the term Bootleg, as used herein, refers to any release that is not authorized by the band, record company, or their representatives. The use of this term does not imply any illegal deed or intention, however. All information used here is for reference only, and everything that is listed here should be treated as a discography, not a catalog from where any of these albums may be purchased.
Moreover, this database is as accurate as it could be, but there are still many holes that are required to be filled. Let's hope this project still will be able to offer you any information, which would tell you what, when and where the band ever performed and recorded. You have also to remember that there are still a lot of people, who actually do ego trips, intentionally hiding or changing certain information, and there is always a chance of making a mistake here and there, but it is believed this place is as close as possible to what can be seriously called as a definitive online resource of Led Zeppelin's live and studio vaults.